Hail Damage
Hail damage can be hard to recognize, especially if the hail was smaller.
Storms in the Texas Panhandle can pop up quickly and cause significant damage to your vehicles and your home. The damage caused by hail storms varies greatly. One factor that affects hail damage to your property is the wind. The direction of the wind and wind-speed can affect where the damage occurs. Hail can impact your home at speeds up to 70 miles per hour, depending on the wind-speed during the storm. The size of the hailstones also affect the degree of damage. Even smaller hailstones have rough and uneven edges. The damage caused by the rough edges of hailstones is different for different types of roofing. On metal roofing and asphalt shingles, hail can create dents, dings, and bruises. On wooden shingles, hail can cause cracking. If you experience very large hail, it could even puncture your roofing.
Another issue that can affect hail damage is the age and condition of your roof. An older roof may be less resilient when it comes to the ability to withstand severe weather. Hail damage can also be more or less devastating depending on the barriers surrounding your home. Trees, nearby homes or buildings, and fencing could provide some protection to your home during a hail storm. As you can see, there are a wide range of factors that can affect the amount of damage your roof experiences as the result of a hailstorm. It is important to be aware of potential damage and have your roof assessed quickly to minimize the possibility of light damage becoming a bigger issue.
Hail damage can be hard to recognize, especially if the hail was smaller. All shingles react differently to being pelted by hailstones. Homeowners should have an idea of what this damage looks like. It is important to remember that damage is not always visible from the ground. Professional roofing companies know what to look for. They can safely inspect a roof that has potential damage. Homeowners attempting to inspect their own roof may not be able to recognize areas of the roof that are unsafe to walk on. Hail damage on asphalt and composition shingles leaves random damage with no evident pattern. The hits are often black in color or soft to the touch. These hail bruises are much like the bruises found on an apple.
Roofing tile granules are often knocked off, potentially exposing the roof felt. Asphalt roofing that is damaged may appear shiny. Just like damage on asphalt, wooden shingle damage will have no pattern and appear to be random. Hail can split the shingles. These splits will appear to be brown or orange in color and have sharp corners and edges. The splits will be new and will show no deterioration around the edges. Wooden shingles will also show impact marks or dents along the splits. Hail damage is the direct result of severe weather. Many times, general weathering and damage to shingles can be mistaken for hail damage. Because it can be difficult to identify hail damage, it is important to seek the help of professional roofing companies to assess your roof.
If you feel your roof has sustained damage as the result of a hail storm, you can call Accent Roofing of Amarillo. Our roofing specialists can determine the extent of your damage and the necessary restoration. All roofing will eventually need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear. Hail often speeds that process. Accent Roofing can safely assess your roof, tiles, and roof deck for potential damage. We can then help you determine if you will need to replace damaged shingles, panels, or the entire roof. Our roofing contractors are dedicated to providing each client with the best customer service throughout this difficult time. We are here to help you, and your roof, weather the storm.